Tuesday 8 October 2013

My Classmate

My Classmate

            My classmate’s name is Putu Yogi Agustiya Pratama. All my friend usually call him yogik. his come from a small village in Denpasar city exactly in Gunung Agung village. My impression when i see him first time he looks like a arrogant, but it was gone when i meet him and spend time together, I know his easy going, friendly and usually make a joke anytime and anywhere. He was born on Agustus 25th 1994 in Tabanan. Now he continues his education at Ganesha University of Education exactly in English Education Department. in Singaraja he lives with himself. he have a boarding house at Teleng street. in physically his a little bit fat and tall, but make his famous is he has a lot of hairy-hand. that’s why he usually call Gokong for my friend in our class.

Campaign about free hugs

Free Hugs for every one

In the video we can see a man who doing a campaign about share the happiness with hugs. he was walking in the downtown while holds sign " free hugs". The first when he wanted to show the action, a lot of people who just smile and move away when he greet, but him never give up. And then the situation was changed when an old women come to him and then him asked to get a hugs from him. the man gladly accept and gave her a hug. the situation was changed after that there are many people saw that and some people wanted get a hugs from the man too. every person who passes are always asked to hugged him like young man, women, old, and kids wanted to get a free hugs from the man.
Because a lot of people there and the campaign that conducted by the man was banned by the police. The man tried to explain what was the purpose of the event. After that, the police allowed him to continued his event. so many people to do the same and finally the man give a signature list to the people who wanted to get a free hug and supported this event. Every one who supported this event will give a signature and finally 10 thousand signature from people was reached. After that the police permit the man to continue his campaign and it's awesome when every people can share a hugs and happiness. This video have a lot of moral, this video can tell us how important respect and share a happiness.