Tuesday 8 October 2013

My Classmate

My Classmate

            My classmate’s name is Putu Yogi Agustiya Pratama. All my friend usually call him yogik. his come from a small village in Denpasar city exactly in Gunung Agung village. My impression when i see him first time he looks like a arrogant, but it was gone when i meet him and spend time together, I know his easy going, friendly and usually make a joke anytime and anywhere. He was born on Agustus 25th 1994 in Tabanan. Now he continues his education at Ganesha University of Education exactly in English Education Department. in Singaraja he lives with himself. he have a boarding house at Teleng street. in physically his a little bit fat and tall, but make his famous is he has a lot of hairy-hand. that’s why he usually call Gokong for my friend in our class.

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