Tuesday 19 November 2013

Final Free Hugs Campaign

Free Hugs for every one

There are many ways you can do to be able to share happiness. For example there was a man who doing a campaign about sharing happiness by giving free hugs. He was walking in the downtown while holding sign "free hugs". At first when he wanted to show the action, a lot of people who just smiling and move away when he greet them, but he never give up. And then the situation was change when an elderly woman came to him and then asked to get a hug from him. the man gladly accept and gave her a hug. The situation was changed, after that there are many people saw that and some people wanted get a hugs from the man too. Every people who passing there were asked for a hug from him like young man, women, old, and kids wanted to get a free hugs from the man.
Because there are lot of people and the campaign that conducted by the man was banned by the police. The man try to explain what was the purpose of the event. After that, the police allowed him to continue his event. So many people do the same and finally the man give a signature list to the people who wanted to get a free hug and supported this event. Everyone who supports this event will give a signature and finally 10 thousand signatures from people were achieved. After that the police permit the man to continue his campaign and it's awesome when every people can share a hugs and happiness. This video have a lot of moral, this video can tell us how important respect and share happiness.

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